
Printing Ink and the Environment


Some printing ink components have the potential to impact the environment. These potentially include the use of bio-derived renewable raw materials, the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Read the the real story in the
NAPIM Whitepaper
on ink and the environment.
Also read more about printing ink's effect on substrate compostability in the NAPIM Whitepaper on Printing Ink and Compostability



The NAPIM Bio/Renewable Content (BRC) program quantifies the use of bio/renewable resources in printing ink formulations. BRC program participation requires the submission of information detailing the amount of bioderived component in an individual printing ink formulation.
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Heavy Metals and Ink


The use of metallic pigments in printing ink formulations is a frequent question asked of printing ink manufacturers. Due to health, safety and environmental concerns U.S. ink manufacturers discontinued the use of heavy metal-based pigments in inks more than 20+ years ago.
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Sustainable Green Printers


NAPIM is a supporter of theSustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP). The SGP mission is to encourage and promote participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact and increase social responsibility of the graphic communications industry. Learn more about sustainable printing.

Industry Test Methods


NAPIM is a supporter of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) which establishes numerous standards applicable to inks and coatings.


The International Standards Organization (ISO) also establishes and maintains test standards applicable to inks and coatings.
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Publications & Webinars


NAPIM maintains an extensive library of printing ink-related publications, bulletins, books and brochures covering business, market, technical and regulatory information.

Publications Webinars

Soy Inks


Printing with inks formulated with soybean oils as a replacement for petroleum based oils is one of a number of approaches aimed at reducing the environmental impact of printed products Read
NAPIM Whitepaper - A Realistic Appraisal of Soy Inks