Bio/Renewable Content Program

NAPIM launched its BioRenewable Content (BRC) program in early 2009 as one component of a larger program focusing on the environmental impact of printing ink. The BRC program was developed to respond to both printer and print buyer demands for information related to their supply chain’s efforts aimed at reducing or minimizing environmental impact. Although printing ink represents a relatively limited percentage by weight of a printed substrate/package it is still a viable, recognizable area for sustainability improvement. As print consumers continue to press sustainability objectives further down their supply chains, efforts of an ink manufacturer to improve the printing ink formulation is a positive component in a more comprehensive sustainability initiative by the printer. BRC identified inks are not designated as “greener” or more environmentally friendly materials, however, the use of some percentage bioderived materials is frequently recognized as a positive environmental initiative.
The BRC program identifies the use of bio-derived renewable resources in printing ink formulations. BRC program participation requires the submission of information detailing the amount of bioderived component in an individual printing ink formulation. Submissions are reviewed for technical accuracy and completeness by NAPIM. Upon approval a company specific registration number is issued. BRC certified formulations are listed on the NAPIM website for verification by the printer. NAPIM also issues distinctive BRC graphics for use by both the ink company and the printer using the BRC certified ink formulations. All formulation/product information submitted under the BRC program is managed confidentially by NAPIM. Only registered product names and BRC indexes are listed on the NAPIM website.
Since its inception, the BRC program has been very popular with both member and non-member ink companies and suppliers. Approximately 2000 ink formulations and raw materials have been registered and new inquiries are received on a regular basis. NAPIM member companies, both suppliers and ink companies, are entitled to a limited number of no-charge BRC registrations. Registration fees are paid by non-member ink companies and suppliers wishing to participate in the program.