NAPIM will add trademarks to the list at the request of either members or non-members.
Requests must include the information required by the following rules and should be sent to
NAPIM,529 14th Street NW, Suite 1280,Washington, DC 20045 USA.
If the mark is registered with the United States Patent Office, the request should include:
- the mark itself
- the name and address of the registrant
- the number of the registration
- the date of registration
- the goods mentioned in the registration upon which the mark is used
- the trademark Act under which the mark is registered
- whether the mark has become incontestable
- if the registration is more than 20 years old, whether the registration has been renewed
- the mark itself
- the name, address and company affiliation of the registrant
- the date of first use
- proof of commercialization within six months preceding the request. Suitable documents (min. 1) include:
- Dated invoice without price information
- Dated product promotional/marketing information
- Dated technical data sheet
- Dated safety data sheet